Monday, March 30, 2015

My thoughts are a tangle in my head that I don't really want to solve; because solving means definition and finality and a clear line that we can't get back from. It means that we are no longer where we are because we would be steps ahead.  It means letting go and starting again.

 I never thought I'd be this - I never thought I'd be a coward, so scared of what awaits that I rather just stay in this undefined limbo of time, stuck between being a student and an adult.I can't get the rational words onto this page. Everything's mashed up in here - like when I was a kid, I would make bath time pizza dough; which really was just talcum powder and whatever liquids I had on hand. It was a mess. Just like this crossroad is. Welcome to the crossroad of hell.


Welcome to the crossroads of transition. Where everything is brand-spanking-new and everything changes or resets upon itself. Friendships go astray, questions answered become void and invalid and most importantly, life progresses.

I've always believed that hindsight is amazaballs- so this will be me, waiting and watching to see what astounding conclusions await me.

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