Monday, February 11, 2013

Republiced days.

1. Made more apple cake
2. Republic on a saturday. Prove of how busy I've been
3. Snapshot from the student show for Chingay, Fire in the Snow
4. Patient Care lessons with my plastic heart boy.
5. Hearts Hilyah gave us during Healthcare Systems
6. Fireworks. I remember thinking in this moment that every thing, every problem would be ok.

Everything's ending soon.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bitter hearts on a Wednesday.

basically sums up today. 
That and the words "OH MY GOD, WHY?" 

And I just wanted to say that just because you're in a bad mood, 
it doesn't mean that you can take it out on me.

Or do you forget that I'm the only other one here, other than you trying my goddamn best to make it work? 
I am already trying