Monday, January 21, 2013

Light my path, baby, light my eyes to see.

Sometimes it's like you think know everything there is to know about about someone - so you let go a little bit, not too much but you're not too close either - then the days turn over and you realize it's been weeks, maybe even months since you've seen the person. Then when you do see them, everything you know of them disappears and in front of you, is someone brand new. Someone you have to know, all over again.

This is what happens when you grow up. You loose people. But if you find the special ones, the magic ones, they come back to you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dream about 1st love

Today I dreamt I met you again. We were at your sisters (do you have a sister?). She was pregnant and I was there with my family. My family was different in my dreams, they were . . .understanding? Anyway, I was there visiting your pregnant sister and I was thinking I wonder what he would say when he sees me. Because apparently, somehow you were still in touch and I matter to you - somehow. Then you were there and I was there and we were happy. God knows doing what. Then I had to go off to Thailand with my family.

HAHAHHAHA. I'm not gonna take this dream seriously, but it made me feel good.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

i gots the dumps today

So disappointing with my UT1 results. I really want study but I feel like I'm too stupid.

But no, I cannot give up or give in just because I feel melancholy. I will succeed.
I will make something of my life. I will treasure happiness and family and friends and NOT money.

I will be happy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions - 1st Draft

You knew this post was coming.

Here are things I wanna work at, keep in mind that these are not my resolutions, they're merely the first drafts of 2013. A good friend once told me that I couldn't concentrate on more than two things at once, so i figure I'd have better chance of actually completing something if I narrow it down.

  • Driving license
  • Improve attention span 
  • Improve activity level
  • Fitness
  • Have deeper, more meaningful friendships. 
  • Be more patient with people
  • Be less judgmental
  •  Control myself
I'd never end if I wrote all that I want to do. So which to choose, which to choose? 

Shiny & New.

I only clean my room when I get moody, So today was a perfect day to clean it. Changed the layout again, so I'm beginning to suspect that nothing, I repeat, nothing in my room & future house should ever be nailed down. But I do sort of want to nail up (or down) my mirror onto the first door of my wardrobe. Hmm.
I've very possibly tried almost every layout for my room. It's so frustrating because my room is such an awkward "L" shaped rectangle that's not even properly aligned. I swear to god, there's a corner where it's at least 30 degrees out of line. Future Caliz, make sure you check the parts where the wall meets the floor and make sure they all align. & while we're at it, don't make impulsive purchases. I know you, I know what you'll  do.